Dr. DiTolla’s Clinical Tips – Ceramir® Crown & Bridge

November 27, 2012
Ceramir® Crown & Bridge


Ceramir® Crown & Bridge


Doxa Dental Inc.
Newport Beach, Calif.

With BruxZir® restorations steadily growing in popularity, I continue to look for better ways to work with this unique material. Ceramir® Crown & Bridge luting cement from Doxa Dental is the only permanent cement that contains phosphates, making it the only cement that will bond to the internal aspect of a BruxZir crown without the use of a zirconia primer. Regardless of your chosen technique, we still recommend using Ivoclean® after intraoral try-in. (For more on this universal cleaning paste from Ivoclar Vivadent, see the Clinical Tip on Ivoclean.)

Ceramir is hydrophilic while placing the crown and moisture-tolerant while setting, so there is no need to dry the tooth bone-dry; in fact, it is preferable to leave the tooth moist. There is even no need to air-dry the prep, as any pooled moisture can simply be removed with a few cotton pellets. Once the crown is in place, any residual moisture will not affect the cement, even if saliva comes in contact with it while it is setting. Ceramir also has a nice rubbery stage during the set time to help avoid any interproximal “boulders” and to allow for any excess cement to be peeled off in one piece.