Bite splints can make a world of difference for your bruxing and grinding patients, alleviating pain and preventing further destruction of existing healthy dentition. The Comfort H/S™ Hard Soft Bite Splint is the most widely prescribed bite splint due to its comfort and fit. Two layers make up the Comfort H/S Bite Splint: a 1 mm soft, comfortable polyurethane inner layer and a 3 mm hard, durable copolyester outer layer. The soft internal surface rests comfortably against the teeth and gums, while the hard occlusal surface provides durability and bonds with acrylic for easy modification.

The Most Widely Prescribed Bite Splint

How Does the Comfort H/S Bite Splint Work?
Severe tooth, jaw or facial muscle pain are common side effects of bruxing or clenching of the teeth. The good news is that these aches can be alleviated with a dentist-prescribed, patient-specific Comfort H/S Bite Splint.
The Comfort H/S Bite Splint is a proactive step in protecting your patients' existing healthy dentition and restorations. It is a thin customized device that fits over the upper or lower teeth during sleep that can offset the effects of bruxing or clenching while protecting teeth from daily wear and tear.

The Benefits of Using a Comfort H/S Bite Splint
Dr. Gordon Christensen has estimated that one-third of the U.S. population either bruxes or clenches their teeth, which results in tooth damage. The Comfort H/S Bite Splint can protect your patients' teeth from this habit during sleep and periods of high stress.
The Comfort H/S Bite Splint provides many benefits. It is patient specific and comfortable when worn in the mouth. In addition to relieving head, neck, jaw joint and shoulder pain, it protects existing teeth and dental restorations. It is highly recommended for those who have crowns, bridges, implants, veneers and dentures, to offset the effects of the often subconscious habit of bruxing and clenching.

The ERKODENT® line of thermoforming systems offers you more than 50 years of proven reliability for all thermoformed dental applications. The unique suite of countertop vacuum- and pressure-forming units allows for the fabrication of occlusal appliances in seconds. The success of ERKODENT rests on its worldwide offering of products, strict quality standards and ability to uphold creativity and flexibility as dental technology continues to advance.