Screw-Retained Crowns Signature Image

Screw-Retained Crowns

Please note pricing is only available to dental professionals.

Created with dental CAD/CAM technology to ensure a precise fit, quick seating and a lifelike emergence profile, Glidewell screw-retained crowns are an efficient, cement-free solution that minimize chair time for the final delivery appointment.

    • Eliminate cement problems around implants and retrieve your restoration with ease
    • Screw-retained crowns seat quickly and precisely so you can move on to your next patient
    • CAD/CAM fabrication ensures esthetic gingival margins and a natural emergence profile
    • Requires minimal interocclusal space

    Make Implant Crown Delivery a Cinch!

    Dentists are increasingly turning to screw-retained crowns as they look to avoid cement problems around implants and streamline the delivery of implant restorations. Created with dental CAD/CAM technology to ensure a precise fit, quick seating and a lifelike emergence profile, Glidewell screw-retained crowns are an efficient solution that minimize chair time for the final delivery appointment.

    We offer an array of restorative options for every region of the mouth, including BruxZir® Full-Strength Zirconia, BruxZir Esthetic, IPS e.max, Obsidian® Fused to Metal, Bilayered Clinical Zirconia and Obsidian All-Ceramic. By working with you from the planning stage to the final restoration, we are dedicated to helping you achieve precise gingival margins, a comfortable fit and optimum esthetics for your patients. Deliver Glidewell screw-retained crowns with maximum ease as well as the confidence afforded by our no-fault seven-year warranty.

    IPS e.max is a registered trademark of Ivoclar Vivadent.

    Screw-Retained Crowns Signature Image

    Clinical Studies

    BruxZir screw-retained restorations drop right into place and make crown delivery a cinch. In addition to saving chair time, I know I’m giving patients a high-strength, esthetic crown they can depend on.

    Paresh B. Patel, DDS image
    Paresh B. Patel, DDS



    Screw-retained crowns are prosthetic components that connect directly to endosseous dental implants and are intended for use as an aid in prosthetic rehabilitation of missing teeth.

    Material Composition

    Monolithic zirconia, lithium disilicate or lithium silicate ceramic with titanium base; lithium silicate ceramic fused to noble or white high noble metal

    Number of Implant Restorations Produced

    2 million

    Strength Characteristics

    • BruxZir Full-Strength: > 1,000 MPa of flexural strength
    • BruxZir Esthetic: 870 MPa of flexural strength
    • IPS e.max: 500 MPa of flexural strength
    • Obsidian Fused to Metal: 397 MPa of flexural strength

    In-Lab Working Times

    • Standard: 7 days
    • From digital impression: 7 days for BruxZir Full-Strength, BruxZir Esthetic, Obsidian All-Ceramic and IPS e.max

    Implant System Compatibility

    Flat-rate price available for BioHorizons® Tapered Internal; BIOMET 3i™ Certain®; CAMLOG® SCREW-LINE; DENTSPLY Implants ANKYLOS® C/X, ASTRA TECH Implant System® and ASTRA TECH Implant System® EV; Glidewell HT™ Implant System; Hahn™ Tapered Implant System; HIOSSEN® HG System; Inclusive® Tapered Implant System; MegaGen AnyRidge® Implant System; MIS® C1 Implant System; Nobel Biocare Brånemark System® RP, NobelActive® and NobelReplace®; Straumann® Bone Level, Bone Level SC and Tissue Level; and Zimmer Dental Screw-Vent®. Prices may vary for other implant systems due to the need for original equipment manufacturer (OEM) components.

    Inclusive is a registered trademark of Prismatik Dentalcraft, Inc. Glidewell HT and Hahn are trademarks of Prismatik Dentalcraft, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

    Policies & Warranty

    NO-FAULT REMAKE POLICY: Glidewell is pleased to process all remakes or adjustments at no additional charge if requested within the warranty period and accompanied by the return of the original appliance.

    LIMITED WARRANTY/LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Glidewell (“the lab”) warrants that all dental devices (a “device”) are made according to your specification and approval in the belief that the device will be useful and MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Subject to the return of a device that is placed and then fails, the lab will repair or replace the device without charge for the cost of materials and workmanship or refund the original price paid, at the lab’s option, for the life of the patient originally receiving the restoration from the date of placement for BruxZir Zirconia screw-retained crowns and bridges, and up to for the life of the patient originally receiving the restoration from the date of placement for BruxZir Zirconia screw-retained crowns and bridges, and up to 7 years for porcelain to metal, ceramic to metal, and all-ceramic (except BruxZir Zirconia) screw-retained crowns and bridges.


    Clinical Tips

    1. Seat the screw-retained crown completely into the implant, making sure that the anti-rotational features of the connection interface are fully engaged.
    2. Insert the titanium screw (provided) into the screw access hole and hand-tighten using the appropriate driver. It is strongly recommended that a radiograph of the connection site be taken to confirm complete seating of the restoration before proceeding.
    3. Using the appropriate driver in conjunction with a properly metered torque wrench, tighten the titanium screw to the implant manufacturer’s recommended torque value.
    4. Fill the screw access hole with composite or other suitable material.


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