Protect Your Teeth from Grinding and Clenching

July 25, 2022
Protect Your Teeth from Grinding and Clenching

After her dentist identified chipped teeth and damaged dental work, Chastity agreed that wearing a bite splint overnight would be an easy and effective way to protect her dental investments.

Thanks to my new bite splint, my teeth and dental work are now kept safe from the harmful effects of clenching and grinding!
– Chastity, Bite Splint Patient

Bruxism is a term used to describe the unconscious grinding and clenching of teeth. This condition can cause jaw pain and damage to your teeth or dental work. Your dentist can protect your teeth against bruxism by prescribing a bite splint:

  • Customized to your mouth for a comfortable fit
  • Worn primarily at night, and easy to clean
  • Ideal for protecting your dental treatment investments

Ask your dentist which bite splint is right for you!

Three different bite splint products

CLEARsplint is a registered trademark of Astron Dental Corporation.