Dr. DiTolla’s Clinical Tips – SonicFill™

Kerr Corporation
Orange, Calif.
Because I practice in a dental laboratory, you might imagine that most of my restorations are indirect. When doing a crown on tooth #14, it just always seemed easier to take out the old DO amalgam on tooth #13 and the old MO amalgam on tooth #15 and impress them for inlays; however, since the introduction of SonicFill™, I’ve had to rethink that. SonicFill gives me the ability to bulk-fill 5 mm of composite in seconds. The sonic activation of the composite lowers the viscosity, allowing the material to easily adapt to the cavity walls. I can now do posterior composites faster than I make an inlay temp — and all I was looking to do was replace the failing amalgam and get some nice proximal contacts for my crown. SonicFill has me doing posterior composites again!