Dr. DiTolla's Clinical Tips – Contact Hero

Contact Hero
Angie’s Dental Supply
La Verkin, Utah
Every once in a while, I see a dental instrument and wonder why someone didn’t think of it before. The Tooth Slooth® (Professional Results, Inc.; Laguna Niguel, Calif.) is a good example: a simple piece of plastic designed to isolate cusps and help diagnose a cracked tooth using the patient’s own bite force. Ever wonder what would happen if a Tooth Slooth and a serrated strip fell in love and had children? Their kids would look exactly like Contact Hero. With a rigid, pre-curved piece of metal matrix bonded into a plastic handle, you simply position the Contact Hero between the contacts, and have the patient bite down as you gently rock the handle up and down. Using serrated strips to open contacts inadvertently bonded shut is no fun, and saw-type devices aren’t much better. The Contact Hero will save you 15 minutes of stress and a lip laceration.