Dr. DiTolla’s Clinical Tips – Richwil Crown & Bridge Remover

August 18, 2009
Dr. DiTolla’s Clinical Tips – Richwil Crown & Bridge Remover

Richwil Crown & Bridge Remover

Almore International, Inc.
Portland, Ore.

Richwil Crown & Bridge Removers go by many other names; the most common is probably the “Jujubee’s thingy.” You won’t be in practice long before you need some Richwil’s. Whether it’s a crown with tight contacts or an inlay with near vertical walls, you are going to have trouble removing a restoration that is only being tried-in at that point, and you better hope you have some of the “sticky green cubes” around. Simply hold it under warm tap water for a minute or two, push it onto the occlusal surface of the restoration you want to remove, have the patient bite down until the Richwil compresses about half way, and spray it with some cold water or air. After cooling, have the patient pop open, and it’s time to cement. You may only need them a couple of times per year, but you need them!