Editor’s Letter
Welcome to the inaugural issue of our new magazine, Chairside® magazine! For the past eight years, Glidewell Laboratories published Chairside Perspective. The goal of this magazine was to provide an in-depth look at our techniques and products, which in turn, could benefit your patients and your practice. The goal with our new, expanded Chairside magazine is to bring you more tips and techniques from inside the lab. We’ve also included interviews and informative content from guest dentists and consultants as well. These guest authors were hand-selected due to their significant influence on how I practice dentistry.
Our first issue features an in-depth look at one of the fastest growing segments of cosmetic dentistry, no-prep veneers. Our step-by-step look at the placement of a no-prep veneer case helps you incorporate this type of treatment into your practice. Especially, when a patient is unwilling to have their teeth prepared. To see this type of case performed live, visit glidewellce.com. Here you can either stream the video or order a complimentary DVD straight to your office. Regardless of how you decide to view the material, CE credits are available with both options.
In this issue, Dr. Tarun Agarwal addresses the topic of “Succeeding with Digital Photography.” Dr. Agarwal taught me much of what I know about digital photography, and I can’t imagine practicing dentistry today without it. I’ve heard it said that the digital photograph is to the cosmetic dentist what the X-ray is to the endodontist, a road map of what needs to be accomplished. Digital photography makes it simple to let your laboratory technician see what they are trying to match.
We are also proud to feature Part 1 of a two-part article from the highly sought-after lecturer, Mr. Kerry Straine, titled “The Laws of Profitability.” Kerry is one of the most successful dental consultants in the country. His Straine Practice Analysis changed the way I looked at my practice forever, when I saw it for the first time eight years ago. You owe it to yourself to visit his website, straine.com, to see how the numbers of your practice fit into the analysis.
Over the past 10 years, an increased interest in sports dentistry has developed. Dr. Ray Padilla has contributed an in-depth clinical look at “Prevention of Orofacial Trauma with Modern Mouthguards.” If you are new to the field of sports dentistry, this article is an ideal introduction.
In addition, this issue includes the first of many profiles on the people who make the lab run smoothly. Our first in this series is an article on dental technician Steve Lam, who has been in the dental technology business for 20 years.
Therefore, we hope you find the magazine useful in your practice. We welcome your feedback, and we will be featuring your comments in future issues.

Yours in quality dentistry,

Dr. Michael C. DiTolla
Editor-in-Chief, Clinical Editor