Dr. Abai’s Clinical Tips – DentalVibe®

Bing Innovations LLC
Boca Raton, Fla.
877-503-8423 • dentalvibe.com
Over the years I’ve come across a lot of devices and techniques that help reduce the amount of pain and anxiety patients go through during dental treatment. This anxiety is almost always associated with the needle and the perceived and actual pain of the local anesthetic injection. The techniques I picked up through years of practicing were mainly associated with distracting the patient while delivering the anesthetic. Recently I came across the DentalVibe®, a handheld device that serves a dual purpose: You can retract the cheek or lip out of the way with the device’s tip while giving seamlessly painless injections at the same time, usually without the use of topical anesthetics. The DentalVibe’s vibrating tip works through the gate control theory of pain. When the area of injection is stimulated through vibration, the non-painful input closes the “gates” to painful input, preventing pain sensations from reaching the central nervous system. It’s that simple; the patient feels the vibration, which prevents the pain sensation. My patients have benefited from this device immensely. Patients usually judge a clinician’s practice by the amount of pain they go through during their procedures, and the DentalVibe surely helps; it’s become quite the practice-builder.