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In this issue

How to Fine-Tune Form and Function During Complete Denture Fabrication

June 15, 2017
Siamak Abai, DDS, MMedSc
Before and after a complete denture fabrication

Complete dentures provide a viable solution for edentulous patients, even though today’s practitioners have access to many implant-supported treatment options. To serve the population who cannot receive implant-supported prostheses due to financial or anatomical restraints, it is helpful for clinicians to maintain their ability to deliver complete dentures. A predictable outcome can be achieved when the clinician has a full understanding of the desired result, accurately captures the stabilizing areas, and successfully communicates the anatomical information — such as tooth characteristics, vertical dimension and interocclusal space — to the dental laboratory.

In the case that follows I will outline my straightforward clinical protocol for replacing an ill-fitting existing denture in a fully edentulous patient. The patient in this case is Daniel, a CAD/CAM mill technician who has worked in the Fixed department at Glidewell Laboratories for 10 years. Daniel operates the milling machines that are used in the production of many of the restorative materials delivered to dentists around the world, including BruxZir® Solid Zirconia and Obsidian® lithium silicate ceramic (Glidewell Laboratories; Newport Beach, Calif.).

Complete dentures provide a viable solution for edentulous patients.


Figure 1a
Figure 1b

Figures 1a, 1b: Daniel’s existing dentures were ill-fitting and unesthetic, exhibiting reduced vertical dimension of occlusion and poor retention. My goal in constructing a new set of complete dentures was to reestablish the vertical dimension, limit the trauma received by the residual ridge, enhance long-term stability, and improve speech, masticatory function and esthetics. The new dentures will also serve as a blueprint for his eventual treatment with implants.

Figure 2a
Figure 2b

Figures 2a, 2b: Closer, external views of Daniel’s existing dentures in place.

Figure 3a
Figure 3b

Figures 3a, 3b: For this case, the patient presented with abundant bone and soft-tissue support to facilitate the retention of conventional complete dentures.

Figure 4

Figure 4: Taking into consideration the height and width of the anatomical landmarks, appropriately sized stock metal edentulous trays are selected to capture the preliminary impressions with a polyether impression material. The proper-size trays allow the material to extend into the vestibules in the preliminary impression, enabling accurate custom impression trays to be fabricated. The preliminary impressions are then sent to the lab for the fabrication of preliminary casts and custom trays, which better capture the denture-bearing surfaces and tissues.

Custom trays ... better capture the denture-bearing surfaces and tissues.


Figure 5

Figure 5: Custom trays are fabricated in the laboratory and returned to the operatory. The custom trays extend approximately 3 mm short of the depth of labial and buccal vestibules. In cases where the walls of the tray are too short, the extension of the impression is compromised, eventually affecting retention and stability. If the walls of the tray are long, it results in soft-tissue displacement at the borders of the impression and compromises the seal of the final appliance.

Figure 6a
Figure 6b
Figure 7

Figure 7: The finished custom trays with borders molded. Holes are drilled into the tray using a round bur and handpiece to allow excess impression material to be expelled through the trays and prevent a mucocompressive impression. At this stage, the impression trays may exhibit good retention on the respective ridges.

Figure 8a
Figure 8b
Figure 8c


Figure 9a
Figure 9b
Figure 9c
Figure 10
Figure 11a
Figure 11b
Figure 11c
Figure 12

Figure 12: A piece of floss is then lined over the midline of the patient’s face. The corresponding midline is denoted on the wax bite blocks and the base plates, and eventually denoted on the casts. At this stage, the high smile line is also marked.

Figure 13a
Figure 13b

Figures 13a, 13b: After the occlusal plane, vertical dimension of occlusion, midline and high smile line have been established, and a maxillary facebow registration has been made, the next step is to capture the interocclusal relationship. With the bite blocks in place, Daniel is asked to open and close slightly until the condylar heads are positioned correctly within their respective articulating fossa. This allows the condylar heads to be in rotational motion only as the patient opens wide, as opposed to both rotational and translational motion. Once Daniel can repeatedly and comfortably achieve this position, he is brought into centric relation utilizing the E-C technique, and then bite registration material is injected and allowed to set. Based on all the recorded information, the bite blocks are articulated and then sent to the laboratory for the fabrication of the first setup try-in appliance. Also at this appointment, I select the shape of the denture teeth based on the arch morphology, face form and skin tone.

The bite rims serve as a record to communicate to the laboratory the esthetic and functional aspects of the complete dentures.


Figure 14

Figure 14: The preliminary setup try-in features the six anterior teeth on both the maxillary and mandibular arches. The try-ins are seated, and I evaluate the vertical and horizontal positioning, occlusal relationship, masticatory and speech function, and esthetics. Any changes are communicated to the lab. If a reset is not necessary and the tooth positioning for the anterior try-in is acceptable, the lab will then set the remainder of the teeth and fabricate a complete setup try-in.

Conventional complete dentures continue to serve as a viable option to rehabilitate patients and restore everyday oral functions and esthetics.


Figure 15a
Figure 15b

Figures 15a, 15b: The laboratory then delivers the secondary setup try-in that features all anterior and posterior denture teeth. At this appointment, all of the parameters communicated to the laboratory are reevaluated. Further, I confirm and adjust the positioning of the teeth as needed. It is paramount that the patient is satisfied with the prostheses overall at this stage. Once all aspects of the setup try-in have been adjusted or confirmed and the patient is comfortable with the device, it can then be returned to the laboratory for festooning and processing of the final complete dentures.

Figure 16a
Figure 16b

Figures 16a, 16b: The complete final dentures arrive from the laboratory. Daniel is brought back in, and the appliances are seated and evaluated. Because great care was taken during the setup appointments, adjustments during the final appointment are minimal. The intaglio surface of the dentures can be checked with pressure-indicating paste and adjusted if necessary. Occlusion is also checked and adjusted at the delivery appointment. Post-delivery follow-up appointments are scheduled to evaluate ongoing patient comfort and the continued fit, function and esthetics of the complete dentures.

Figure 17a
Figure 17b

Figures 17a, 17b: The complete final denture as seen from the extraoral view. The nature of the conventional process requires numerous appointments with multiple try-ins being part and parcel to the protocol; however, the results can be outstanding and patient-pleasing.


Conventional complete dentures continue to serve as a viable option to rehabilitate patients and restore everyday oral functions and esthetics. What we often fail to recognize, however, is the value of complete dentures for diagnostic purposes when planning cases for patients receiving implant-supported prosthetic solutions. A well-made set of complete dentures for the edentulous patient can act as a prototype for the implant-supported prosthesis prior to implant placement, providing information such as tooth position, tooth shape, vertical dimension, interocclusal space, esthetics and phonetics. The ability to deliver conventional complete dentures should still be regarded as a necessary skill set for practitioners as it serves edentulous patients across the economic spectrum.