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Are You Using "Gray-Market" or Counterfeit Dental Products?

January 31, 2011
Gordon J. Christensen, DDS, MSD, Ph.D.
Are You Using "Gray-Market" or Counterfeit Dental Products?

It’s no secret that dentists love to save money. But, as Dr. Gordon Christensen discusses, purchasing steeply discounted dental materials when looking to cut costs may be a gray area you want to avoid. Learn the dangers of purchasing gray-market and counterfeit dental products. Plus, Dr. Christensen explains how to spot gray-market and counterfeit products and outlines measures you can take to avoid falling victim to this illegal, yet lucrative, business.

This article may be found at jada.ada.org, or email Dr. Christensen at info@pccdental.com.

Dr. Gordon Christensen is the director of Practical Clinical Courses and cofounder of the nonprofit Gordon J. Christensen Clinicians Report®. Contact him at 801-226-6569, pccdental.com or info@pccdental.com.


  1. Santerre P, Conn A, Teitelbaum B. Toronto Academy of Dentistry winter clinic panel discussion on grey market and counterfeit dental materials. J Can Dent Assoc. 2008 Apr;74(3):233-5.
  2. Lewis K. China’s counterfeit medicine trade booming. Can Med Assoc J. 2009 Nov 10;181(10):E237-38.
  3. Gautam CS, Utreja A, Singal GL. Spurious and counterfeit drugs: a growing industry in the developing world. Postgrad Med J. 2009 May;85(1003):251-6.
  4. Schweim JK, Schweim HG. Internet pharmacies and counterfeit drugs (in German). Med Klin (Munich). 2009 Feb 15;104(2):163-9.
  5. Christensen GJ. Are you using “gray-market” or counterfeit dental products? JADA. 2010;141(6):712-5.

Copyright ©2010 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.