Dr. DiTolla’s Clinical Tips – TN010 Double Cord Packer

TN010 Double Cord Packer
Garrison Dental Solutions
Spring Lake, Mich.
If you had bet me $1,000 in July 2010 that there would be a really cool improvement in cord packer technology, you would have won that bet. And while gently cramming a piece of string subgingivally does seem so last century, I have yet to find a replacement that retracts tissue so well without removing healthy tissue.
While I’m stuck with packing cord for now, the TN010 Double Cord Packer from Garrison Dental Solutions makes this task more efficient. When I pack cord on a molar, I might flip the instrument six or seven times while looking at the tooth through my loupes. I have whacked enough anterior teeth with the instrument to wonder if there was a better way, and with the TN010 there is! Stop flipping and keep packing with this great product.