Dr. DiTolla’s Clinical Tips – NoMIX® Temporary Cement
NoMIX® Temporary Cement
Shelton, Conn.
Until every dental office is doing one-appointment crowns, temporaries will continue to be part of our day-to-day life. I am always amazed by the patient (typically male) who doesn’t appear to have ever flossed in his life, but when we put on a temp and tell him not to floss, flossing becomes an obsession — and, of course, he knocks off his temp. This is why all patients with possible non-retentive preps are sent home with a uni-dose of NoMIX® Temporary Cement to use for short-term cementation, in case their temp comes off. As its name implies, there is no mixing, and the cement is moisture activated. After exposing the cement to water, have the patient hold their teeth together for five minutes while it sets, and you just saved yourself a Saturday trip to the office to re-cement a temp!