Why Bruxing Patients Need a Hard Nightguard

Hard bite splints have been proven to protect dentition and restorations from bruxism.

December 7, 2021
Smile Bulletin Staff
Why Bruxing Patients Need a Hard Nightguard Hero Image

As the prevalence of grinding, clenching and cracked teeth increases nationally,1 dentists need a solution that will help protect their patients’ dentition and restorations.

As the prevalence of grinding, clenching and cracked teeth increases nationally,1 dentists need a solution that will help protect their patients’ dentition and restorations.

Hard bite splints have been shown to do just that. The literature supports the use of hard bite splints as a significant buffer against bruxism and nighttime teeth grinding. In one study, a hard bite splint significantly reduced muscle activity in eight of the 10 participants.2 Conversely, a soft bite splint only reduced muscle activity in one participant and caused an increase in muscle activity in five participants.

Another study found that hard bite splints decreased the level of electromyography activity in the temporalis and masseter muscles when compared to no splint.3 The same study found that a soft splint produced a slight increase in both muscles, especially the masseter. This is not to say that soft bite splints should be avoided entirely, but rather that hard bite splints are more effective at limiting muscle activity and preventing damage to dentition and restorations.

But not all hard bite splints are the same. To truly maximize the benefits of a hard bite splint, clinicians need to examine the different qualities of bite splints available to see if they match their needs and the needs of their patients.

Ideal for Doctors Sending Digital Cases

The Comfort3D Bite Splint is a hard bite splint ideal for clinicians submitting digital cases to the lab. Precision and accuracy are the core features of this occlusal appliance. It is made with digital design and 3D-printing technology to ensure the best fit and the highest level of comfort for the patient.

  • Digital workflow
  • More tongue space
  • More comfortable to wear
Comfort3D™ Bite Splint image

Ideal for Clinicians Just Getting Started

The Comfort H/S Hard Soft Bite Splint is made up of two layers: a hard outer layer that provides durability and a soft inner layer that provides comfort. For clinicians who are just getting started with bite splints, the Comfort H/S Bite Splint is a great choice.

  • Forgiving and flexible material
  • Most widely prescribed bite splint
  • Comfortable for the patient
Comfort H/S™ Hard Soft Bite Splint image

Ideal for Practitioners Prescribing Implant Restorations

The CLEARsplint® is a favorite of doctors who prescribe implant restorations because of its flexibility and adjustability. Its fit and dimensional stability reduce postoperative chair time and adjustments. For patients with implant restorations, the CLEARsplint serves as a protection against the harmful effects of bruxism.

  • Self-adjusts in warm water
  • Ramps and guide planes can be added
  • Ball clasp or wire mesh/braid available
CLEARsplint® image


While these three hard bite splints offer unique differences to better serve the clinician and patient, they also have some valuable commonalities. For example, the Comfort3D Bite Splint, Comfort H/S Bite Splint and CLEARsplint all come with six-month warranties. They also offer special discounts for buying duplicate bite splints through the Glidewell Clinical Twinpak. This special offer gives clinicians the opportunity to provide their patients with a second bite splint to use in case their original gets lost or damaged.


To prescribe a hard bite splint and protect your patients’ dentition and restorations from bruxism, visit glidewell.com/send-case.

Bite Splint Banner


  1. American Dental Association Health Policy Institute. COVID-19: Economic Impact on Dental Practices. Biweekly poll. Wave 14 – week of September 21, 2020.
  2. Okeson JP. The effects of hard and soft occlusal splints on nocturnal bruxism. J Am Dent Assoc. 1987 Jun;114(6):788-91.
  3. al-Quran FA, Lyons MF. The immediate effect of hard and soft splints on the EMG activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles. J Oral Rehabil.1999 Jul;26(7):559-63.

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Occlusal Appliances