Dr. Abai’s Clinical Tips – Capture® Impression Materials

Capture® Impression Materials
Glidewell Direct
Irvine, Calif.
888-303-3975 • glidewelldirect.com
When I’m taking impressions for the fabrication of myriad dental products such as bleaching trays, night guards and diagnostic casts, the putty-wash technique has come in handy. Because it’s obviously not the best idea to ship an alginate impression wrapped in a wet napkin, this technique is especially useful for practices that do not have an in-house lab and are therefore sending their impressions to a laboratory for the making of a stone dental cast. For an accurate full-arch impression using this technique, putty is placed in a stock impression tray. The tray is then inserted into the mouth and wiggled around to make an area representing the teeth with enough room for the light-body material. Before setting, the tray is removed, light body is injected, and the tray is reinserted into the mouth. A few minutes later, the tray is removed with a highly accurate impression that can be sent to the laboratory. With Capture® Impression Materials, this process has been reliable and repeatable with all of my patients.