Dr. Abai's Clinical Tips – Denture Glo Cleanser

Denture Glo Cleanser
Henry Schein Dental
Melville, N.Y.
800-372-4346 • henryschein.com
Sometimes the most specific instructions for denture home care are lost in translation. Your hard work in fabricating the most esthetic of complete dentures shows up in your practice at the six-month recall with teeth unrecognizable from stains and tartar, making you think to yourself, “Did the patient remove the denture and clean even once since the delivery visit?” If this has happened in your practice, a solution is the solution, literally. A combination of acidic cleaning salts and peroxygen bleach powder, the Denture Glo Cleanser has come in handy for getting rid of even the toughest stains for my patients. When mixed with hot tap water, the denture can be soaked for 10–20 minutes for a thorough cleaning, resulting in Glo-rious-looking dentures!