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Dr. DiTolla’s Clinical Tips – TempBond Clear™

October 20, 2008
Dr. DiTolla’s Clinical Tips – TempBond Clear™

TempBond Clear™

Kerr Corporation
Orange, Calif.

Many of us tend to take temporary cements for granted, but I will always remember the first time I realized I need more than one. I had just placed some anterior temporary crowns on a patient with a typical temporary cement that happened to be yellow. And right through the chairside temps my assistant had made, I could see the outline of the preps staring back at me. I was horrified! The temps were a little thinner than usual and the yellow temp cement was showing through. I explained to the patient what was happening and promised I would figure out a solution as soon as I could. Two phone calls later a dentist friend told me about TempBond Clear™, and today I would not practice esthetic dentistry without it. Whether it’s temps that end up being a little thin after reshaping them, or underneath thin temporary veneers, having a translucent temporary cement is critical. It also works well for inlays and onlays, and because it is a resin-based cement it is dual-cured as well.