By the Numbers: Making the Case for Continuing Education
In late 2018, the American Dental Education Association released the results of its annual survey of graduating dental school seniors.1 The graduates’ responses illustrate how they perceive their need for further training in the areas of practice management and clinical dentistry, as well as the importance they place on continuing education.

Respondents who disagree or strongly disagree with this sentiment: “I am prepared to manage a successful business; I can manage finances, enact a business plan, ensure efficient scheduling and billing, obtain appropriate credentialing, etc.”

Respondents who perceive their education and training in “surgical placement of implant” as “inadequate.” In the category “restoration of implant,” 35.5% answered the same way.

Respondents who reported feeling only somewhat confident or not at all confident with their skills and abilities in malocclusion and space management.

‘Moderately Confident’
Most common response to question regarding respondents’ confidence in their cosmetic and esthetic dentistry skills.

Respondents who agree or strongly agree that “continuing education requirements are necessary for practitioners.”
American Dental Education Association [internet]. Washington, D.C.: American Dental Education Association; c2019. ADEA Survey of Dental School Seniors, 2018 Graduating Class Tables Report. 2018 Nov [cited 2019 Dec 3]. Available from: