Dr. DiTolla’s Clinical Tips – ‘The Grosser, More Disgusting, But Still Totally Cool Mouth Book’

“The Grosser, More Disgusting, But Still Totally Cool Mouth Book”
Greenville, N.C.
In this day and age of iPads, video games and CGI special effects in movies, it’s becoming more difficult to put something motivational in front of our children and get them to pay attention — especially when it comes to brushing and flossing. I bored my kids early and often with stories of what happened to the little boy or girl who didn’t floss (they don’t end well), but it was still a constant struggle to get them to take action. Enter Dr. Ted Croll’s new book, “The Grosser, More Disgusting, But Still Totally Cool Mouth Book.” The images in here are definitely gross enough to grab the attention of any jaded kid, and the healthy images are enough to offer visual relief. I’ve found the book works really well with adults, too. Fortunately, rampant decay gets the attention of almost anyone, and the book is particularly successful with those in active orthodontic treatment.