Dr. DiTolla’s Clinical Tips – Warm Air Tooth Dryer

Warm Air Tooth Dryer
A-dec Inc.
Newberg, Ore.
Over the years, one of my frustrations with the total-etch technique has been the clinical instructions provided by resin manufacturers. After etching the enamel and dentin, we are instructed by the manufacturers to rinse the etch off the tooth surfaces and then to “dry but don’t desiccate the tooth.” What? Could the directions be more nebulous for arguably the most important step of the bonding process? My three-way syringe had a bad habit of spraying water, sometimes even oil, when I was attempting to dry teeth. I could blow the syringe on the face of my watch and see the residue clearly.
I found a little-known product from A-dec called the Warm Air Tooth Dryer. Ever since, I have used it for total-etch techniques and now self-etch techniques, as well. This separate, air-only syringe is controlled by the rheostat, and it connects to a source never used for a handpiece. This ensures a water and oil-free stream of warm air that is designed to help you properly dry preps. The warm, almost gentle airflow makes it nearly impossible to desiccate the dentin.