Editor’s Letter
You have probably seen social media posts that say something like, “I am truly humbled to be recognized as the greatest lecturer in the history of dental continuing education.” That’s defined as a “humblebrag.” The poster is shouting about the award or recognition, but prefacing it by saying that they are “humbled.” If such individuals were really humbled, then they would probably just keep it to themselves. In fact, they are the opposite of humbled. They are proud, and that’s appropriate.
So, please forgive me as I tell you how proud I am to be editor-in-chief of Chairside® magazine and to work with the dedicated staff of writers, graphic artists and coordinators who somehow find the time — between their many other assignments — to produce these articles. And as this team develops the material for each issue, one goal remains in the forefront: to bring new information to doctors that will help them gain the knowledge and skill to succeed in both the clinical and management challenges of dental practice.
This issue contains some outstanding examples of new technology to improve your practice. Dr. Taylor Manalili shows a recent immediate denture case in which she delivered a 3D-printed denture, produced from a completely digital process. In addition to the faster turnaround and improved precision from the digital process, another important benefit is gained: The design is stored in the cloud, so if a new denture is needed — “The dog ate my teeth!” — it can be quickly fabricated from the archived design file.
Two outstanding private practitioners, Drs. Amanda Sheehan and John Nosti, share some of the strategies that have placed their practices among the best. In separate articles, they come to the same conclusion: When you add clinical services based on your patients’ needs and desires — like implant surgery or Botox® injections — practice growth follows.
Successfully adding these new treatments to your practice requires communication skills from both the dentist and staff. Dr. Roger Levin shows us how thoughtful scripting can enable all staff members to create the positive atmosphere needed to gain treatment acceptance from your patients. I always enjoy Roger’s articles, and appreciate his many years of dedication to making dentists more successful.
Dr. Randolph Resnik of the Misch International Implant Institute begins another comprehensive series of articles, this time examining the important implications of systemic health considerations on implant treatment. In each of his articles for Chairside magazine, Randy shows the same level of dedication evident in his lectures and textbooks, which have clearly set a new standard in implant education.
I truly enjoyed writing my review of Jim Glidewell’s book, “Constant Change.” Working with Jim for more than five years, I sometimes think that instead of earning a salary, I should be paying tuition. There’s a lot more in this issue, and I hope that you enjoy it. Learn the lessons from Jim’s book, and do the work required to be the best dentist that you can be. Then be proud of what you accomplish. No humblebrags — just quiet pride in what you have built.