Editor’s Letter
The excitement of the last few months has been palpable. It began with the second annual Glidewell Dental Symposium, with its fast-paced lectures and focused, hands-on workshops. Inspired by the efforts of doctors everywhere, the symposium addressed the latest advancements in materials and techniques in esthetic, digital and implant dentistry. The success of the sold-out Glidewell Symposium is a solid indicator of the rapidly changing dental landscape, and reflects the commitment of doctors everywhere to adapt to these changes. I highly recommend reading this issue’s article featuring some of the highlights. The number of attendees more than doubled from last year, and the enthusiasm of all who came in from around the country made for an unprecedented weekend of education and networking.
The demand for this event is stimulated by the strong desire of dentists to embrace new technology and expand the services they offer their patients, and we will continue to create programs that address these needs. As we look ahead, the 2019 Glidewell Dental Symposium will be even bigger and better. Visit glidewellsymposium.com for information about the 2019 Glidewell Symposium in Orlando, Florida.
Also featured in this issue is a fascinating, in-depth look at the life and challenges of forensic odontologist Dr. Mary Shields. Glidewell Dental had the privilege of playing an instrumental role in aiding Dr. Shields with the identification of a missing person whose skeletonized remains were recovered in Kentucky. Thanks to the discovery of a surviving BruxZir® zirconia crown, Glidewell was able to provide conclusive information within one day, helping Dr. Shields bring essential closure to a grieving family.
The benefits of implant therapy continue to improve the lives of thousands of patients, and I encourage all dentists to learn more about this life-changing mode of treatment. Check out the article by Dr. John Geasland, where he shares his journey in implant surgery.
Also included is Dr. Randolph Resnik’s latest article, featuring part one of a three-part series discussing the theory and protocol for atraumatic tooth extraction and the maintenance of hard and soft tissue. It’s critical to preserve these tissues, especially if the site is planned for a future dental implant. Dr. Resnik’s articles are a favorite among our readers, and many tell me they keep them for future reference. We’re also adding a new feature in this issue, where you can review CE questions at the conclusion of the article and go directly online to obtain continuing education credit. Please refer to the instructions at the end of the article for more information.
Our team creates this magazine with you in mind, and we appreciate hearing your ideas and feedback.

With kind regards,

Neil I. Park, DMD
Executive Editor and Vice President of Clinical Affairs at Glidewell Dental