™ Users Share Their Favorite Restorative Materials

October 1, 2024 Users  Share Their Favorite Restorative Materials

In addition to being the developer and manufacturer of the In-Office Mill, Glidewell has developed optimized biomaterials specific to the system. Clinicians from across the nation spoke with Chairside® to discuss the materials that have become their go-to options. Here are some of their stories.

Viviana Waich, DDS

Sonrisas Dental Miami
North Miami Beach, Florida

Viviana Waich, DDS

Dr. Viviana Waich sees numerous advantages to offering BioTemps® NOW milled provisionals in her practice: fast milling times, durability and pleasing esthetics. “The only disadvantage,” Dr. Waich said with a laugh, “Is that I have had a few patients who are so happy with their smile that they don’t come back for their final restorations. Even though we explained the process, they think BioTemps NOW provisionals are their final crowns.”

Of course, crowns milled using BioTemps NOW Milling Blocks are not intended for permanent placement. They are, however, designed for up to six months of use. Dr. Waich treats a large number of cases requiring provisionals, and her patients all agree that BioTemps NOW provisionals provide a better all-around experience.

“They love the crowns. The first thing they say is, ‘Wow, these are so much more comfortable than other provisionals I have had,’” she said. Dr. Waich described patients complaining of other provisional crowns feeling rough and not looking esthetic — issues they don’t experience with BioTemps NOW.

Dr. Vivian Waich says the fast turnaround time to produce provisionals gets positive feedback from patients.

Dr. Vivian Waich says the fast turnaround time to produce provisionals gets positive feedback from patients.

In addition to durability and comfort, BioTemps NOW crowns provide patients the opportunity to preview their permanent restorations. The provisional restorations mirror the esthetic qualities of the final product, giving Dr. Waich’s patients the chance to “test drive” and offer their input when designing their permanent restorations.

She said many of her patients work full-time, and thus she recognizes the importance of limiting appointment times. “They have jobs to return to and they can’t cut into their workday. They need something more convenient,” she explained. With BioTemps NOW, Dr. Waich can mill full-coverage provisional crowns, inlays and onlays in 10 minutes or less.

The quick turnaround time also benefits Dr. Waich. “My chairtime is valuable. With BioTemps NOW, I know the crown won’t come loose easily or be damaged, greatly reducing the chance that I have to see them again before their final seating. I know that the occlusion is perfect, and I am meeting the patients’ needs by providing them with a good-looking provisional crown they can trust. BioTemps NOW sets us up to deliver a great final result and does so without using too much chair time.”

Dr. Waich provided a patient requiring multiple restorations with BioTemps® NOW crowns that were both comfortable and esthetically pleasing, and mirrored the look and feel of the permanent restorations.
Dr. Waich provided a patient requiring multiple restorations with BioTemps® NOW crowns that were both comfortable and esthetically pleasing, and mirrored the look and feel of the permanent restorations.

Dr. Waich provided a patient requiring multiple restorations with BioTemps® NOW crowns that were both comfortable and esthetically pleasing, and mirrored the look and feel of the permanent restorations.

Rebekah Browder, DDS

Westport Family Dental
Westport, Connecticut

Rebekah Browder, DDS

Offering her patients the lifelike translucency provided by Obsidian® milling blocks same day was the motivating factor for Dr. Browder adding the to her practice. “It’s a differentiator between us and other dentists in the area,” she said. “It’s important to be able to offer things other dentists can’t.”

With Obsidian milling blocks and the, Dr. Browder offers patients highly esthetic restorations chairside. “The esthetics I want to provide usually take 5–7 days in a dental lab. But now, I can complete the entire process and deliver the final restoration in as little as an hour with no need to temporize. Patients appreciate not having to schedule a second appointment.”

The convenience of receiving a same-visit restoration coupled with the esthetic qualities Obsidian milling blocks provide drives demand, Dr. Browder explained. “Obsidian’s esthetic qualities mimic natural teeth very closely,” she said. “I educate my patients on the natural appearance of the material, and now my patients specifically request restorations milled from Obsidian.”

Offering restorations fabricated from Obsidian® milling blocks helps Dr. Rebekah Browder’s practice stand out among other dental offices in her area.

Offering restorations fabricated from Obsidian® milling blocks helps Dr. Rebekah Browder’s practice stand out among other dental offices in her area.

Dr. Browder also chooses Obsidian blocks as her go-to for some cases requiring multiple restorations. “Say I’m doing two molars that are side-by-side, I’ll use Obsidian on the first tooth because of its esthetics. Then on the second molar, I’ll use CAMouflage® NOW,” she said. “When we have those second molars, or anybody with finicky occlusion, I have found that CAMouflage is easy to contour and adapt to the patient’s occlusion. It’s a powerful combination of the two materials.” 

“For me, the next step is mastery of esthetics. It’s been great so far to figure out the foundation and the clinical basics you need to have amazing bond structure and maintain the tooth structure,” she said. “I’m so glad to have a material that not only provides excellent function, but also knocks the esthetics out of the park.” Dr. Browder also expressed her eager anticipation for adding the new Obsidian NOW Milling Blocks into her practice. The new material offers the high-quality esthetics of Obsidian glass ceramic without requiring an oven for additional crystallization after milling. Dr. Browder anticipates being able to provide esthetic restorations to more patients as a result.

Dr. Browder chose Obsidian because of the combination of strength and lifelike translucency for a restoration that will stand the test of time and look beautiful.
Dr. Browder chose Obsidian because of the combination of strength and lifelike translucency for a restoration that will stand the test of time and look beautiful.

Dr. Browder chose Obsidian because of the combination of strength and lifelike translucency for a restoration that will stand the test of time and look beautiful.

David Zant, DDS

Gentle Dental
Mililani, Hawaii

David Zant, DDS

It’s nice to be able to offer something that looks good, is strong and most importantly that I can make in about 40 minutes. It’s hard to beat,” Dr. David Zant said. “It’s this combination of form and function that makes BruxZir® Esthetic my go-to material.”

With a flexural strength of 870 MPa, BruxZir Esthetic NOW Milling Blocks are designed for durability. The monolithic zirconia material emulates the vitality of natural teeth and is indicated for anterior crowns. As for the material’s look, Dr. David Zant said, “BruxZir Esthetic blends exceptionally well with natural dentition.”

BruxZir Esthetic NOW Milling Blocks combines the superior durability of the original BruxZir NOW Milling Blocks with enhanced translucency for excellent esthetics in the anterior

Most of the case work performed at Dr. David Zant’s office is handled same day, thanks to several in-office mills and capable, well-trained staff like Ryan (pictured here).

Most of the case work performed at Dr. David Zant’s office is handled same day, thanks to several in-office mills and capable, well-trained staff like Ryan (pictured here).

“For anterior cases where I need more strength and lifelike esthetics, I can’t imagine choosing any other material,” Dr. Zant said. “The ease of delivery and simple cementation protocol make BruxZir Esthetic NOW critical for my busy practice.”  

The fully sintered zirconia milling block can be delivered directly from the mill with no oven time or post-processing required. The efficiency is a significant plus for any practice emphasizing in-office solutions.

“95% of my cases are done same day, and I think that will just continue to grow,” said Dr. Zant. “Advancements in both technology like artificial intelligence for crown design and the quality of materials available for milling has been a game-changer for my practice.”

After years of disliking the appearance of her teeth, this patient asked Dr. Zant to restore her smile to its former glory. He achieved her goal by restoring it with BruxZir® Esthetic NOW crowns.
After years of disliking the appearance of her teeth, this patient asked Dr. Zant to restore her smile to its former glory. He achieved her goal by restoring it with BruxZir® Esthetic NOW crowns.

After years of disliking the appearance of her teeth, this patient asked Dr. Zant to restore her smile to its former glory. He achieved her goal by restoring it with BruxZir® Esthetic NOW crowns.

Maryam Ekhtiar Kord, DDS

Kord Dentistry
Mission Viejo, California

Maryam Ekhtiar Kord, DDS

CAMouflage® NOW Milling Blocks are Dr. Maryam Ekhtiar Kord’s go-to material for milling inlays and onlays. This nanohybrid ceramic-polymer material provides her patients with more predictable results than a direct restoration and offers financial benefits for her practice while performing minimally invasive treatment.  

“You have more control over the restoration’s outcome with CAMouflage, unlike a direct Class II composite.” she said. “With CAMouflage, you walk away from the patient feeling that you have predictable contacts and margins. With direct composites, there is more room for error, including saliva contamination and hence, bond failure. Other potential issues with direct composites include loose or poorly fitted matrix bands, which increase the risk of food impaction and recurrent caries.” Dr. Ekhtiar Kord said she has never encountered these problems when using CAMouflage NOW Milling Blocks.

For Dr. Maryam Ekhtiar Kord, CAMouflage® NOW Milling Blocks provide patients with convenient restorations that ensure successful outcomes.

For Dr. Maryam Ekhtiar Kord, CAMouflage® NOW Milling Blocks provide patients with convenient restorations that ensure successful outcomes.

The predictability is one of the main positives Dr. Ekhtiar Kord sees from using CAMouflage NOW Milling Blocks. Another is the material’s composition. Dr. Ekhtiar Kord pointed to CAMouflage NOW Milling Blocks’ ceramic-reinforced resin for providing patients with a better overall quality restoration that lasts longer than direct composites. The material is designed for easy, durable cementation with a survival rate of 98% after one year per Gordon J. Christensen Clinicians Report®.1

Meanwhile, some insurance plans offer substantial reimbursement for CAMouflage NOW restorations, which translates to higher profits. With positives both for her patients and her practice, Dr. Ekhtiar Kord said using CAMouflage NOW Milling Blocks is an easy decision that has fostered a “win-win situation” for her patients and her practice.

A 16-year-old patient entered the office after breaking tooth #8 during sports practice. Dr. Ekhtiar Kord chose to restore her front tooth with CAMouflage NOW due to the biomimetic nature of the material, its minimally invasive approach, and the speed with which she can provide a final restoration.
A 16-year-old patient entered the office after breaking tooth #8 during sports practice. Dr. Ekhtiar Kord chose to restore her front tooth with CAMouflage NOW due to the biomimetic nature of the material, its minimally invasive approach, and the speed with which she can provide a final restoration.

A 16-year-old patient entered the office after breaking tooth #8 during sports practice. Dr. Ekhtiar Kord chose to restore her front tooth with CAMouflage NOW due to the biomimetic nature of the material, its minimally invasive approach, and the speed with which she can provide a final restoration.

Lan Chi Le, DDS

ZYGO Dental Group
Dallas, Texas

Lan Chi Le, DDS

Provisional bridges milled from BioTemps® NOW bridge blocks fulfill a variety of needs for Dr. Lan Chi Le, making the material an invaluable part of her practice’s offerings. Dr. Le said BioTemps NOW bridges “enhance both the final outcome for final restorations and the overall patient experience.”

“There are three common case types that call for BioTemps NOW provisionals,” Dr. Le said. “The first is for complex restorations that will be fabricated by the lab. Second, BioTemps NOW blocks are beneficial for cases that need time to heal, such as implants, extractions, gingival recontouring or grafting. Lastly, for cases with occlusal issues where the final restorations will be a significant change, BioTemps NOW milling blocks give them an opportunity to grow accustomed to their new occlusion.”

Dr. Lan Chi Le emphasizes comprehensive patient care at her practice — an approach made possible by providing high-quality restorations, utilizing the™ In-Office Solution, and with the assistance of office staff like Kelly (pictured).

Dr. Lan Chi Le emphasizes comprehensive patient care at her practice — an approach made possible by providing high-quality restorations, utilizing the In-Office Solution, and with the assistance of office staff like Kelly (pictured).

Dr. Le finds that provisional bridges fabricated from BioTemps NOW milling blocks instill confidence in her patients to proceed with their final restoration. “BioTemps give patients a sense of ownership in their permanent restorations,” she said. “They get feedback while having the provisional restorations in their day-to-day lives, then relay that to us. They feel like they have more of a choice in the final look of the permanent restoration.” 

Dr. Le describes the process of designing, milling and delivering same-day restorations as unlocking the comprehensive potential of her practice. Even in a case in which the permanent restoration must be fabricated by a lab, provisional restorations with BioTemps NOW milling blocks allow Dr. Le to utilize the In-Office Solution for same-day results. The time saved delivering provisional bridges in less than 28 minutes allows her to provide more treatment. 

“It elevates the patients’ experiences when we use digital tools and are able to see the overall outcome together. It’s convenient for the patient, and it allows us to have the best plan in place for them,” Dr. Le said. “And because we have support from the team, we can do more complicated cases. Instead of one or two crowns on the anterior region, it can be multiple units.” 

Cases involving the esthetic zone are particularly challenging. Dr. Le opted for a provisional restoration milled from BioTemps® NOW for both a fast process and great esthetics. Furthermore, the functionality of the provisional restoration helps preserve the patient’s soft tissue in position while awaiting the final restoration.
Cases involving the esthetic zone are particularly challenging. Dr. Le opted for a provisional restoration milled from BioTemps® NOW for both a fast process and great esthetics. Furthermore, the functionality of the provisional restoration helps preserve the patient’s soft tissue in position while awaiting the final restoration.

Cases involving the esthetic zone are particularly challenging. Dr. Le opted for a provisional restoration milled from BioTemps® NOW for both a fast process and great esthetics. Furthermore, the functionality of the provisional restoration helps preserve the patient’s soft tissue in position while awaiting the final restoration.


  1. Christensen G. Zirconia: most durable tooth-colored crown material in practice-based clinical study. Clinicians Report. 2018 Nov;11(11):1-3.